Why Donors Create Endowments

endowmentsSome prefer to launch their endowments now so they can see the results, and others make arrangements to establish endowments later on with estate assets. And some prefer to start an endowment now and add more to it later through a bequest.

Why do these people choose to make endowment gifts to Saint Leo University?

There are a number of reasons, and here are five you may wish to consider:

  1. Durability. The idea of creating a perpetual stream of financial support makes sense to people who see a similarity between retirement funds and endowment provisions. They like the concept of a fund that is guarded and invested separately from other assets so the principal of the fund will stay intact. Only the income or a portion thereof will be used to support Saint Leo University.
  2. A Positive Legacy. When donors attach their names to an endowment fund, they create an enduring legacy that will outlive them and influence succeeding generations. Grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and other family members and friends will be reminded of the person’s values and commitments. Endowment funds can also be used to honor the lives of others who have made a significant impact on the donor and/or Saint Leo University.
  3. Perpetual Annual Gifts. Many donors see an endowment fund as a means to underwrite their own regular giving to Saint Leo University. For example, an endowment fund of $20,000 could create an annual “gift” of $1,000 to Saint Leo University. It’s a great way to keep giving generation after generation.
  4. A Stronger Saint Leo University. Each year, Saint Leo University raises money to support academic excellence, special building projects, and scholarships for outstanding scholars who may have financial need. Raising money for the “here and now” is always a priority. Annual payouts from endowment funds relieve some of this pressure and permit the board and executive team to plan more confidently for the future. An organization with a strong endowment is simply more stable financially.
  5. Personal Satisfaction. It is wonderfully fulfilling to do something good that lasts, something that really makes a difference. Other kinds of giving are important, but having your name on a fund that will benefit others for centuries can be truly satisfying.

Next Steps

  1. Contact us at (352) 588-8415 or development@saintleo.edu for additional information about making a gift to Saint Leo University.

  2. Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.

  3. If you include Saint Leo University in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.

Legal Name: Saint Leo University
Address: PO Box 6665 - MC 2227, 33701 County Road 52, Saint Leo, FL 33574
Federal Tax ID Number: 59-1237047

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in examples are for hypothetical purposes only and are subject to change. References to estate and income taxes include federal taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results.