Saint Leo Weathers the Hurricanes

Photos courtesy of The Lions’ Pride student newspaper; Gainesville (FL) Police Department; city of North Charleston, SC; National Weather Service, NASA, and the U.S. Navy.
In August and September, much of our nation felt the wrath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Saint Leo is relieved and grateful that we weathered the hurricanes, but many of our students will feel the effects for months to come. In total, more than two dozen teaching locations and some 8,000 Saint Leo students were affected by the storms. Some students have been displaced, while others face financial hardship in repairing homes or replacing their possessions. Paying for their educations could be an added burden at this time.
Many of you have watched the news and wondered, How can I help? One way is to contribute to the newly created Hurricane Emergency Scholarship Fund. Donations to this fund will go directly to students’ tuition costs and help them stay at Saint Leo.
Can you lend a hand to those Saint Leo Lions in need?